Condo: A New Era Of Investment

Real estate has evolved exponentially in 360 degrees with investment. Every area of the real estate sector has become a great investment opportunity for investors and ordinary people. Condos are the latest concept taking away all the attention of people aspiring to buy a property or engage their money. A condo is also called a condominium, and it is a separately owned unit in the building along with some common exterior areas like passages, pools, etc. A condo and an apartment concept are entirely different, yet, it is sometimes mixed.
Let’s Learn How An Apartment Differs From A Condo
The First Difference- Amenities Decision
The first and foremost difference between an apartment and a condo is amenities. Amenities for a condo owner are entirely flexible. From paint colour to granite countertops, the owner will decide only. An apartment owner cannot decide anything about this; he has to buy a house as it is. In short, a condo owner can give his home a personal touch.
The Second Difference- Maintenance
Maintenance is a headache for a condo owner or renter. All the repair and renovation work is the condo owner’s duty as he occupies the property, and thus, he has to give personal attention to minute details of the repair work needed or done. An apartment owner maintenance department looks into everything and the cost of repair works.
The Third Difference- Is Following Rules And Legal Regulations
If you live in an apartment, follow society’s rules and regulations. For minor adjustments or renovation in your house, take consent from the apartment association. The same is with condo living, but if you have a good relationship with your owner, you can reinvent your own space in your way.
The owner of the Condo is also known as the landlord. The landlord of a condo has full authority over his space. It is like owning a commercial property, office spaces, etc., where the owner is whole and sole of the property. Be the owner of your own space with Grand unity. The condos by Grand Unity are the best.
Condo nearby btsRatchayothin (คอน โด ใกล้ bts รัช โยธิน, which the term in Thai), you will get a well-equipped, beautiful, and exotic site with a panoramic view of the city. Condos in the city’s heart are like a dream come true. One should always invest with clarity by collaborating with a reliable construction company.